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AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate

Tutorial, AWS1 min read

These are my notes for my exam prep and may not contain all the important aspects.

I am keeping notes for the areas that I find important and worthwile remembering so, this is by no means complete recap of the lessons

Source: Stephane Maarek, Udemy

3. Fundamentals IAM & EC2

AWS Regions

  • Regions

  • Regions > Availabilty Zones

  • North America > US East 1 for example

IAM Introduction

  • Users

  • Groups

  • Roles

  • Root has all the power

  • Users: physical user : you, me

  • Group: Users grouped together, admin, devops, finance, engineer, design etc

  • Role: Internal usage within AWS resources, those are for machines

  • Policies: JSON docs that define what those things can/cannot do

  • IAM is global, not region specific

  • Can support Multi Factor Auth

  • You can use pre-defined policies

  • Least priviliged! all the time!

  • IAM Federation

  • IAM Dump

  • 1 Person = 1 IAM User, not shared

  • 1 App = 1 Role, not shared (this EC2 belongs to BackEnd Java Spring Server, Prod)

  • Never write IAM Credentials in Code, duh

  • Never use ROOT anymore, just create User and let user deal with it


  • Rent virtual machines (ec2)
  • Store data on Virtual Drive (EBS)
  • Distribute the load across machines Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
  • Scale services using auto scaling group: ASG