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Certified Kubernetes Application Developer

Tutorial, CKAD, Kubernetes, K8s8 min read

This post is just notes to myself for my CKAD exam prep

Linux Foundation and CNCF together prepare CKAD exam

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Core Concepts

Nodes, Clusters

Node is a single machine, that can have multiple pods

Cluster is the combination of multiple machines, or nodes

Master node is configured to manage cluster of machines


API Server: the front end of the cluster

etcd: store the data to manage the cluster, key:value pairs

Scheduler: distributing works across the cluster

Controller: brain of the cluster, makes decision to run containers

Container runtime: in this case docker

kubelet: agents running in the nodes

Master vs Worker nodes

Worker node is where containers are hosted

We need container runtime to execute container processes

Pod is the simplest form of K8s object

Pod has 1 to 1 relationship between Pod and Container, thus to scale up, increase pods

However, if there is a helper container, it can be deployed to the pod too

Remember, aim is to build replicas that can be increased/decreased as necessary

To find the Nginx image from dockerhub and run in a pod

$ kubectl run nginx --image nginx

then get the pods running

$ kubectl get pods

It is also possible to deploy a pod via yaml file

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
app: myapp
type: front-end
- name: my-container-name-definition
image: nginx

Metadata children are name and labels


To create a redisapp pod with redis image imperative way

$ kubectl run redis --image=redis --generator=run-pod/v1

For more info on generators:

  • To edit pods where a pod definition is not given
$ kubectl get pod <pod-name> -o yaml > pod-definition.yaml

Important: you have to delete and re-create the pod

$ kubectl delete pod <pod-name>
$ kubectl apply -f pod-definition.yaml
  • To edit pod properties
$ kubectl edit pod <pod-name>

Replication controller

We need replication controller to manage the desired state and scaling

Replication controller is the old version of the Replica Sets

Skeleton yaml file below for Replication Controller, not complete

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
... #Pod definition here, without apiVersion and kind
replicas: 3

A simple version

kind: ReplicationController
name: myapp-rc
app: myapp
type: front-end
name: myapp
- name: nginx-controller
image: nginx
replicas: 3

Now let's look at a replicaset definition:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: myapp-rs
app: myapp
type: front-end
name: myapp
- name: nginx-controller
image: nginx
replicas: 2

Note that replicaset requires selectors, unlike replica controller

  • declarative way to update replicaset pods
$ kubectl replace -f replicaset-manifest.yaml

where in the replicaset-manifest.yaml file we updated the replicas

another way is to just update the file and use apply command

$ kubectl apply -f replicaset-manifest.yaml

the imperative ways of doing the same:

$ kubectl scale --replicas=3 rs/myapp
$ kubectl scale --replicas=3 -f replicaset-manifest.yaml
$ kubectl scale --replicas=3 replicaset name=myapp

the code above assumes that repliaset is different than 3, and the replicaset name is myapp


Create a deployment and scale it up, imperatively

$ kubectl create deployment webapp --image=kodekloud/webapp-color
$ kubectl scale deployment/webapp --replicas=3

then expose the deployment created, containers listen on 8080 and expose the service port 30082, expose as NodePort

$ kubectl expose deployment webapp --type=NodePort --port=30082 --target-port=8080 --name=webapp-service

Just a few tricks for the exam: use --dry-run=client and -o yaml options to try if the code will work, instead of waiting pods to come online


  • to create a namespace, you can use a yaml file with namespace in the metadata

  • you can also do it imperatively by creating a ns, $ kubectl create ns namespace-name

  • to refer to other pods in another namespace, just append --namespace flag to the end

  • to create pods in an another namespace, you can also use namespace tag under the metadata, similar to name, label, annotations

  • to switch, use set-context under the config

$ kubectl config set-context mycurrentnamespace --namespace=myothernamespace

if you don't remember your current context or don't want to look it up

$ kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=SwitchToThisNamespace
  • to set quota for a namespace, you can use ResourceQuota kind yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: compute-quota
namespace: dev
pods: "10"
requests.cpu: "4"
requests.memory: 5Gi
limits.cpu: "10"
limits.memory: 10Gi
  • to connect to a source within the same namespace, you can directly refer to it,
  • to connect to a source in a different namespace, you use servicename.namespace.svc.cluster.local such as,


Commands and Arguments in YAML

  • Docker Commands

  • To run a container use

    $ docker run <image-name>
    • docker build from dockerfile

      1FROM busybox
      2CMD ["Sleep", "5"]

      Then use docker build function to run the Ubuntu container The Ubuntu container will run and exit after 5 seconds

  • What if you want to run the container but sleep after 10 seconds, but wanted to keep the default option as 5 seconds

    1FROM busybox
    2ENTRYPOINT ["Sleep"]
    3CMD ["5"]
    $ docker build -t mybusybox .
    $ docker run --name mybboxcontainer mybusybox 10
  • How can you pass these arguments via kubernetes yaml?

    1apiVersion: v1
    2kind: Pod
    4 name: busybox
    6 containers:
    7 - name: busybox-container
    8 image: mybusybox
    9 args: ["10"]

    note that the image name must match our docker build image tag, pushed to the dockerhub so we can conclude that args overrides CMD

  • what if I want to override the ENTRYPOINT?, then add command above args

    1apiVersion: v1
    2kind: Pod
    4 name: busybox
    6 containers:
    7 - name: busybox-container
    8 image: mybusybox
    9 command: ["sleep"]
    10 args: ["10"]

Environment Variables

  • how to pass environment variables to pods?

  • name: APP_COLOR value: pink

    1Note that the environment variables are arrays, hence the dash
    2Structure must be name/value pairs

Also possible to pass information via configMaps and Secrets

3 - name: APP_COLOR
4 valueFrom:
5 configMapKeyRef:
7 - name: APP_SECRET
8 valueFrom:
9 secretKeyRef:


  • Motivation of configMap is to cope with increasing complexity under env tags

  • As the application grows, managing each env under Pod definition gets more complex, so configMaps are to rescue

  • configMap variables are key value pairs and injected to pods

  • Typical of k8s, we can do it imperatively and declaratively, before injecting to pods


$ kubectl create configmap
configName --from-literal=key=value
$ kubectl create configmap
configName --from-file=config.filepath


$ kubectl create -f configmap.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: configMap
name: app-config
  • How to refer to configmaps in pod template?
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: simple-app
env: dev
- name: containername
image: mycontainerimage
- containerPort: 8080
- configMapRef:
name: app-config #Must match configMap name
  • there are 3 ways to inject variables
1#option 1
4 - configMapRef:
5 name: app-config
7#option 2 (as single env)
9 - name: CONFIG_KEY
10 valueFrom:
11 configMapKeyRef:
12 name: app-config
13 key: CONFIG_KEY
15#option 3
17 - name: app-config-volume
18 configMap:
19 name: app-config


  • Motivation is similar to configMap but for secret items such as api keys or passwords

  • Similar to ConfigMaps it can be done imperatively and declaratively

  • Declaratively, it can be passed as an env:

- name: myapp
name: app-secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: app-secret
DB_Host: ab12d3
  • Secrets can be attached as volume too:
- name: app-secret-volume
secretName: app-secret
  • the information under secret.yaml are encrypted using base64, but can be decrypted too

  • Secrets can be injected as env, single env and volumes

  • Secret volumes mounted to the pod creates individual files

  • Since secrets are encoded via base64, it can be decoded as well, so it's not that secure

  • However, if the secrets are not checked into the code repository, can make it safer

  • Also, enabling encryption at rest for secrets so they are stored encrpyted in /etcd

  • Secrets are sent to pods if only needed, kubelet stores secrets in tmpfs in memory, not on disk and once that pod is deleted, kubelet will delete its local copy of the secret data as well

  • imperatively you can create secrets as:

$ kubectl create secret generic
secretName --from-literal=key=value

Security Context in Kubernetes

  • To allow pod to run as non-root, such as userID 1000, just add the securityContext

  • SecurityContext can also be added to the container level, so that other containers in the pod and the host system are not impacted

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: myPod
# Pod level security
runAsUser: 1000
- name: Ubuntu
image: Ubuntu
command: ["sleep", "3600"]
# Container level security, run as user 1000 instead of root
runAsUser: 1000
add: ["MAC_ADMIN"] #only on the container level

Service Accounts

  • In kubernetes, there are user accounts and service accounts

  • Humans use user accounts and bots/applications can use service accounts

  • Service account examples are monitoring, logging, pipeline management

  • Examples are promatheus (unsure if typed correctly) and jenkins

  • The applications that interact with my cluster has to be authenticated, for that we use service accounts

  • to create a service account imperatively

$ kubectl create serviceaccount ServiceAccountName
  • to get service accounts
$ kubectl get serviceaccount
  • to describe the service account, called ServiceAccountName
$ kubectl describe ServiceAccountName
  • When service accounts interact with Kubernetes API, they have to be authenticated

  • When a service account is created, it also creates a Token, the token is saved in the secret object

  • Outside the scope of this course, however on a high level the structure for external application to interact with API, you create a service account, assign permissions using role-based control, export the service token to the application to authenticate

  • What if the third party application itself is hosted in the cluster? Then simply mount the secret as a volume to the pod

  • To add service account to the pod, just add the following to pod yaml

1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Pod
4 name: my-k8s-dashboard
6 containers:
7 - name: mypodname
8 image: mypodimage
9 serviceAccount: dashboard-sa # the name of the serviceAccount object

Resource Requirements

  • Set the pod's CPU, Memory and Disk Requirements

  • K8s schedules the application to the necessary node

  • If there is no sufficient space available in the node, then it fails

  • To set the resource requirements, add the following to the container definition

1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Pod
5 containers:
6 - name: myapp
7 image: containerimage
8 resources:
9 request:
10 memory: "1Gi"
11 cpu: 0.5
  • also can set the limits
1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Pod
5 containers:
6 - name: myapp
7 image: containerimage
8 resources:
9 requests:
10 memory: "1Gi"
11 cpu: 0.5
12 limits:
13 memory: "2Gi"
14 cpu: 2

Taints & Tolerations

  • The motivation is to set Pod and Node relationship, so selected Pods can / cannot be run on selected Nodes

  • Tainting is applied to the Node and Toleration is applied to the Pod

  • Pods without taint toleration cannot be scheduled on the tainted Node

  • How to taint a node

$ kubectl taint nodes node-name key=value:taint-effect

where taint-effect is what happens to Pods that do not tolerate this taint

  • there are three taint effects NoSchedule: do not execute, what we have been discussing PreferNoSchedule: try not to schedule here ** NoExecute: do not schedule new and if there is any non-tolerant pods kill the pod (careful pods are gone!)

  • How to tolerate a pod

$ kubectl taint nodes node1 app=express: NoSchedule
--- mypod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: myserver
- name: express-container
image: node
- key: "app" #see app on the taint function above
operator: "Equal" # see the equal sign on the taint function above
value: "express"
effect: "NoSchedule"

Note that toleration to taint does not guarantee that the tolerant Pod will run on the tainted Node, see Affinity Rules for that requirement

  • For untaint, check $ kubectl taint -h

  • To see which nodes the pods are running on $ kubectl get pods -o wide

Node Selectors

  • The objective is to select certain Node, i.e. database pod should run on a higher CPU machine

  • Say you want to add your application to a node that has significant CPU power, thus in your pod manifest you can add nodeSelector command

1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Pod
4 name: my-app
6 containers:
7 - name: my-sifnificant-resource-requiring-app
8 image: dockerhub-image-name
9 nodeSelector:
10 sizeCPU: significantlyhigh

note that nodeSelector key/value pair is something we define, thus we should name the node to match this pod manifest

$ kubectl label nodes NodeName label-key=value-key
$ kubectl label nodes myNode sizeCPU=significantlyhigh

Note that the node selectors work for single label and cannot use logical operators, such as select any node where the label is either X or Y, or select any node where the label is NOT equal to X

To select nodes such as above, use Node Affinity

Node Affinity

  • To place a pod to a certain node, you can label the node and use nodeSelector in the Pod spec, such as addition of size=Large

  • What if you want to create more complicated selection, such as size NOT small or size Medium or Large?

  • Such complex selection is achieved via Node Affinity on pod definition

1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Pod
4 name: nginx
6 affinity:
7 nodeAffinity:
8 requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
9 nodeSelectorTerms:
10 - matchExpressions:
11 - key: disktype
12 operator: In
13 values:
14 - ssd
15 containers:
16 - name: nginx
17 image: nginx
18 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  • What if a sneaky engineer updates the node label along the way, will the Pods get deleted?

  • The answer is under the nodeAffinity line requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution ** Planned to be added to K8s: requiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution

Multi-Container Pods

Multi Containers

  • Most of the time, one pod contains single container

  • And sometimes (and almost always in distributed systems a.k.a microservices) you want to trace your app logs, track the traffic etc.

  • However, you don't want to bloat the app with that, so you add another container to the pod that takes care of such app support functions/services, which scales up/down along with app container

  • There are three patterns: Ambassador, Adapter, Sidecar

  • To add extra container into pod, just expand the pod spec

1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Pod
4 name: my-app
6 containers:
7 - name: my-web
8 image: ibmcr-web-app
9 - name: logger
10 image: ibmcr-logger



  • Readiness probe helps Scheduler to wait before sending the traffic to the newly created pod

  • That is pretty helpful if you are running a script that creates pods / deployments back to back

1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Pod
4 labels:
5 test: liveness
6 name: liveness-exec
8 containers:
9 - name: liveness
10 image:
11 args:
12 - /bin/sh
13 - -c
14 - touch /tmp/healthy; sleep 30; rm -rf /tmp/healthy; sleep 600
15 #OPTION 1:
16 readinessProbe:
17 exec:
18 command:
19 - cat
20 - /tmp/healthy
21 initialDelaySeconds: 5
22 periodSeconds: 5
24 OPTION 2:
25 readinessProbe:
26 httpGet:
27 path: /healthz
28 port: 8080
29 httpHeaders:
30 - name: Custom-Header
31 value: Awesome
32 initialDelaySeconds: 3
33 periodSeconds: 3


  • Liveliness probe is the same as the readiness probe, however serves for a different reason

  • Liveliness checks if your container is responding to client requests. Sometimes, your pod can be running and ready but your container is frozen or your code is broken

  • For YAMLs use livelinessProbe instead of readinessProbe and the rest is the same


  • use kubectl logs -f [pod-name][container-name-if-multiple-containers-in-the-pod]
$ kubectl logs -f my-pod my-first-container
  • If the container has stopped, add -c flag, if you have multiple containers add --all-containers=true flag

  • Kubernetes does not have native metrics monitoring solution, so we use 3rd party such as promatheus or ELK stack. Kubernetes metrics server is also available at github

  • Clone the link and apply the files under /deploy/[metrics-version] folder

  • Similar to linux performance command 'top' use kubectl top [element] where element is node or pod

Pod Design

Labels and Selectors

  • Labels help multiple objects to be accessed at once

  • For replicaSets or deployments, the label for the replicaset can be different from pod spec, the most important line is Selector in the yaml to select the pods

Rolling Updates and Rollbacks

Jobs and CronJobs

Services and Networking

Services and NodePort

  • Pod to pod communication can be done through services, because Pods are ephemeral, when pods are deleted the assigned IPs are gone

  • Services keep track of the pods and can expose the service to outside of cluster

  • There are 3 type of services, ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer

  • ClusterIP is the default choice, it creates a cluster wide IP address that Pods can communicate with

  • NodePort is ClusterIP + a static port open within the Node, thus all pods are accessible from the port; to access you can ping NodeIP:NodePort

  • LoadBalancer allows a service to distribute the traffic among the pods in the cluster. Can be run on cloud providers which support LBs.


From the Service object perspective, Service object has a ClusterIP and a Port. Service object connects to a Pod at the TargetPort Node Port opens up a static port with a range between 30000 and 32767 on the Node (i.e machine)

1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Service
4 name: myapp-svc
6 type: NodePort
7 ports:
8 - targetPort: 80
9 port: 80
10 nodePort: 30008 # optional, if not given, auto selected
11 #selector is needed to match the pod label
12 selectors:
13 name: myapp
1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Service
4 name: myapp-svc
6 type: ClusterIP #default option, can be left out
7 ports:
8 - targetPort: 80 #
9 port: 80
10 nodePort: 30008 # optional, if not given, auto selected
11 #selector is needed to match the pod label
12 selectors:
13 name: myapp

State Persistence